Exchange Center in Nagakute

A plan for an exchange facility in Nagakute City, Aichi Prefecture. This is a joint project with Tohata Architects & Engineers. Nagakute City is located in the east of Nagoya City, and according to a 2017 survey, it was “the city with the youngest average age of residents in Japan.” We are planning an exchange center like a commercial facility in a place adjacent to the shopping mall in front of the station in this town where the rate of increase in residents is high and momentum. Scheduled to be completed in March 2021.

Exchange Center in Nagakute

location:Nagakute City, Aichi
principle use:office, some stores (restaurants)
co work:Tohata Architects & Engineers
structure:Tohata Architects & Engineers
equipment:Meiwa Tech & Architects
lighting:studio tanbo
constructor:Hattori  Koumuten
number of floors:One-story
site area:870.08 m²
building area:399.14 m²
total floor area:383.40 m²
estimated completion date:2021.3